Most people we know seem ordinary. That’s because we don’t take time to explore their particulars, peculiarities and possibilities.
Be sure to click/tap on photos for a closer view. And check out Aloners, Body Parts, Crowders, Drop-ins, Photogenics, and Smilers.

Sometimes we choose to be alone, other times we have no choice. I smile when I see someone by themselves enjoying life. I grimace then sadden when I see those who are left alone, don’t want to be, and are often forgotten. My camera remembers them.
Body Parts
A strange topic, huh? Well, forcing ourselves to focus on specifics — body parts, the sound of a word, the person who briefly dropped in and out of our lives and changed us, that’s the stuff that absorbs me and makes me increasingly aware of life’s diversity and beauty.
Crowds attract us and repel us. They allow us to do what we might not do alone: yell like crazy, sing loudly, talk with strangers, do something that we will may regret later, create memories.
Take a few minutes now to think of two or three folks who slipped into your life for much too short a time and filled you with self-awareness, encouragement, perhaps courage. I call them drop-ins, and I have relished those memories.
We remember images of people who immediately caught our attention. They’re simply photogenic. But you might also want to carry a camera more often so you can record those images and later study them and think about their lives.
I smile a lot, mostly because I find much of life funny. People let loose at times, sometimes act a bit silly, and they always smile. You’re smiling now, right?