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Birds Everywhere

They’re around us all the time, in all sizes, rarely staying still for long, different eating habits, with cute (sorta) kids. So many birds that we rarely pay attention to each one.  Here’s your chance to do that.

Take a look at all birds here, then check out Bird Beauties, Kids, Antics, Flyers, and Bites.  And be sure to click/tap on photos for a closer view.

Grackle bird on dead branch
Roseate Spoonbill reflection in shallow water

Bird Beauties

Shooting to capture “the moment” with birds is a challenge.  Larger birds such as the Roseate Spoonbill and the Snowy Egret will sometimes pose, while the twitchy Yellow Warbler, Northern Flicker, and Brown Thrasher take photographic patience and steadiness. But the beauty of all of them is certainly worth the effort.

Snowy Egret on Branch Breeding Area

Bird Kids

 They’re cute (maybe) and definitely hyper at times, but so much fun to watch, such as the daunting Duckling, the inquisitive Sandhill Crane, the alert Black-crowned Night Heron and the placid Common Gallinule.

Bird Antics

Birds are not as whacky as humans (sometimes) …  but they can be quite entertaining.  Look at (if you can) the twisted head of the Muscovy Duck, the spitting Wood Duck, the blue-headed Green Heron, and the dizzying Brown Pelican.

Bird Flyers

Even the not-quite-as-beautiful birds turn gorgeous when they are full-spread in flight.  For example: Osprey, Great Blue Herons,  Puffins, and Brown Pelicans.

Bird Bites

Big birds such as Great Egrets and Ospreys like the challenge of snatching fish out of lakes and oceans. Small birds like the American Oyster-catcher go for crustacean snacks. Those with small bellies eat small bugs. And then there’s the snake-eating Cattle Heron. 

Want to see more birds?

Bird Antics

Some birds are a bit whacky or mayb I see them differently than other humans.  Maybe a mixture of both.

Bird Flyers

Flying is easy:  lift your wings, push off hard, flap like crazy, and believe you can rise into the sky. Oh yeah, then there’s landing.

Bird Bites

Birds spend a lot of time looking for fresh, grab-and-go fish, or scanning for whatever is dead, or  whoofing down bugs.

Black crowned Night Heron Baby in nest

Bird Kids

Bird kids are cute in their own ways, always spunky, always hungry, often demanding, sometimes sleepy.

Eagle flying with open talons

Bird Beauties

Shooting to capture “the moment” with birds is a challenge.  Larger birds sometimes pose, smaller ones are twitchy. But they’re all beautiful.