I’m small, but I’m still coming to get you!
Black Crowned Night Heron
Ding Darling FL
So what if I drool? Big deal!
Pied-bill Grebe
Boulder CO
C’mon, I know you want blue hair, too.
Green Heron
Largo FL
Do I remind you of your father, teacher, maybe Donald Trump?
Ft. Lauderdale FL
Now hold that position until you’re in “The Moment.”
Fort DeSoto FL
This would be a cool postion if it didn’t make me dizzy.
Brown Pelican
Clearwater FL
Yes I am a duck and, yes, I am waving to you.
Largo FL
I’m actually dancing as I watch you watch me.
Black-crowned Night Heron
Indian Shores FL
We’re Laughing Gull Twins, but she never laughs, so I don’t either.
Laughing Gulls
Bradenton FL
Why call it a “Cardinal sin” when I had nothing to do with it?
Port Richey FL
See, I can still do the Frappe’. My ballet career is back!
Largo FL
Attention everyone! We will be migrating at 2:10 p.m. on Friday
Ft. Lauderdale FL
Good morning. Cereal or fish for breakfst?
Largo FL
My reflection has put on a few pounds. Better him than me.
Roseate Spoonbill
Port Richey FL
Do you think we look less ugly if we stand next to each other?
Turkey and Black Vultures
Largo FL
“A Pelican walks into a bar …” Oh, I like that one. Ha, ha.
Brown Pelican
Brandenton FL
Want to see more birds?
Bird Kids
Bird kids are cute in their own ways, always spunky, always hungry, often demanding, sometimes sleepy.